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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Laguna Niguel Youth Soccer - AYSO Region 41 - Serving the Laguna Niguel Community Since 1973

Code of Conduct

 Region 41 - Zero Tolerance Policy

Too often many of us forget the reasons for being out on the field is to be: encouraging and supporting our children, promoting fair play and good sportsmanship, teaching the kids how to have fun while competing and learning that there is more to winning and losing than just the final score.

It is important to recognize that our referees are unpaid adult and youth volunteers who are doing their best to ensure our children's safety while upholding the spirit of the laws of soccer. The referees cannot and will not tolerate any abusive behavior.  In addition to setting a poor example for the children, derogatory comments or constant complaining about the referee’s calls (or non-calls) jeopardizes our ability to attract and retain volunteers, without whom we cannot play.  In instances where parents or coaches cannot control their comments or behavior, they will be asked to leave the game area and in extreme situations could be banned from watching further games.

Misconduct will be handled in accordance with FIFA Laws, Area-L Rules and Regulations, and Region 41 Program Guidelines for Misconduct and Disciplinary Matters.

I, as a parent and spectator, also acknowledge that Region 41 has a Volunteer Point System that ensures, whenever possible, all games are properly covered by a neutral, 3-person referee team. I understand that my child’s team will be required to provide trained certified referees to help accomplish this goal. I also acknowledge that if my child’s team does not meet the minimum volunteer point requirement, my child’s team may not be invited to participate in any post-season play-off program.

I agree to the following to help ensure all our games will be a positive experience for our children and all of our hard-working volunteers.





Be positive, cheer on your team!

Refrain from coaching, as that is the coach's job. (remember, your job is to cheer!)

Do not argue with or complain about the referee's decisions. (if you complain – we will recruit you!)

Make sure your child arrives at games and practices on time. (common courtesy to our coaches)

If your child will miss a game or practice, have the courtesy to let the coach know that your child will not be there.

There shall be NO DOGS at ANY AYSO Game or Practice. (Please don’t make us the bad guys…)

The use of foul language, alcoholic beverages, and/or tobacco products at any game or practice field is prohibited and will not be tolerated. (Remember, this is about the kids!)

Be willing to be a volunteer – recognize the role and value you bring to the AYSO team.

As a parent, I play a special role in contributing to the needs and development of youngsters. Through my encouragement and good example, I can help assure that all the boys and girls learn good sportsmanship and self-discipline. In AYSO, young people learn to work together, to sacrifice for the good of the team, to enjoy winning and deal appropriately with defeat - all while becoming physically fit and healthy.  Best of all, they do these things while having fun.


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r41 zero tolerance policy new.pdf

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Contact Us

Laguna Niguel Youth Soccer - AYSO Region 41

30251 Golden Lantern, Suite E - #268
Laguna Niguel, California 92677

Email Us: [email protected]
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